

WordCamp Europe 2015, Fatcat Apps & EfficientWP Updates And Other Random Ramblings – WPCAST042

July 16, 2015

This week, Doug and David discuss WordCamp Europe 2015 and share how their businesses have been progressing over the last few months.

The Core

* How To Get the Most Out of WordCamps or Other Conferences – WPCAST003
* WordCamp Europe

* David’s WordCamp Europe 2015 Writeup
* Shouts

* Barry Kooij from Never5

* Check out his plugins:

* https://www.download-monitor.com/
* https://www.post-connector.com/
* https://www.relatedpostsforwp.com/

* Peter Suhm from WPPusher
* Pietro from http://www.mobiloud.com/. Check out our Episode with Pietro: Building Mobile Apps for WordPress with Pietro Saccomani of Mobiloud
* Mark Forrester talked about the Automattic acquisition of WooThemes (click for video)
* Caught up with the “WPMayor” (Jean Galea) - check out our podcast, “A Conversation with Jean Galea, WP Mayor”
* Matt Mullenweg’s WordCamp Europe talk
* WordCamp Europe Swag


Swag from #wceu: @WCEurope t-shirt, @yoast socks, @jetpack bag and notebook pic.twitter.com/UUu2a3Tdm5
— David Hehenberger (@davidhme) July 7, 2015

* Corey Maass made a mastermind progress tracking site built on WP (LittleGoal.com)
* Chad Warner added us to his list of favorite WP podcasts (http://optimwise.com/best-wordpress-podcasts-summer-2015/)
* https://deliciousbrains.com/blog/ - Brad Touesnard & his team have been producing tons of  awesome blog content.
* Doug

* Business

* Paul Colaianni mentioned Doug’s iTunes plugin (http://www.gopodcast.com/how-to-see-all-your-itunes-reviews-from-all-over-the-world-in-wordpress/)
* ManageWP sent Doug a Happy 4th of July mug
* June was best month ever

* Personal

* Doug now in Portland, Oregon
* Caught up with Taylor Pearson, author of The End of Jobs: http://www.amazon.com/The-End-Jobs-9-5/dp/1619613352

* David

* Business

* June was best month ever
* Optin Cat has gotten a lot of traction
* Launched Feedback Cat (WP.org link)

* Personal

* In Prague