

New Podcast: Promoters’ Corner #1 with Stephane Bruyere

August 25, 2014

970925_10153289241105078_1227448748_nPromoters’ Corner #1

Stephane Bruyere of NCW:Femmes Fatales & IWS

Welcome to a new podcast here at Ringbelles, adding to our already stacked lineup – the Promoters’ Corner. We’ve interviewed a number of promoters and bookers throughout our five years of podcasting – sometimes as guests on the Women of Wrestling Podcast, sometimes on Fight Like A Girl – but for the first time we’re separating out these podcast guests into their own category, as we give listeners a different look at the wrestling business… the minds behind the mayhem. Our first guest is a two-time ‘Booker of the Year’ in Quebec (as voted for by www.lutte.com) and the man who has guided NCW:Femmes Fatales since its inception, Stephane Bruyere.

In this hour long discussion, we discuss Stephane’s thoughts on the recent Femmes Fatales XV show in Montreal, the importance and relevance of title belts in 2014 (or should we say “championships”?), whether a championship or a wrestler is ever beyond rehabilitation by a good booker, how Stephane got started in booking wrestling, knowing your audience, the biggest “missed opportunity” female talent in Quebec in the last ten years, the changes in WWE’s handling of its women’s division since Charlotte/Natalya at NXT Takeover, TNA’s lack of new female talent, whether Jessicka Havok is enough to reinvigorate that division, and the end of the SHINE 21 iPPV from the weekend which saw Havok go over in her ‘Last Stand’.

Stephane on twitter | Stephane on facebook

NCW:FF on the www | NCW:FF on twitter

(right click on the picture and “save as†to download, or stream in our media player below)


"promoterscorner01" from Ringbelles by Ringbelles. Released: 2014.