Latest Episodes

A Woman’s Path - Lessons on Letting go of Judgment and Honoring your Divine Intelligence
March 16, 2014

Listen to this interview where we bring together Gillian Hood and Anne Preciado Rich for an engaging discussion about body image, sexuality, cultural scars,  judgement and letting go to let yourself be the most comfortable expression of who you really ar

The Secrets of Clayton County - Don Wooldridge
March 08, 2014

Author Don Wooldridge has a fascinating story to tell... many in fact. He was born and raised in Iowa and lived in the Mississippi River Valley for over 30 years. He has taught teaching techniques to professionals all over the world and transitioned from

Love, Intimacy and Meanigful Relationships with Janice Hoffman and Marcy Neumann
March 06, 2014

If you have ever yearned for deeper and more meaningful relationships, and have not known how to achieve that, you are going to love today's show. Join World Awakened Talk Radio as we welcome Janice Hoffman and Marcy Neumann for a discussion about love, i

Malinda Zarate and Vicki Savini on WATR
February 23, 2014

Listen to this enlightening and delightful conversation where Vicki Savini and Malinda Zarate explore the power of mindfulness practices, especially as it pertains to raising and teaching children.  In this conversation, you will learn what schools and t

Joel Lesses and Jeremy E McDonald on WATR
February 23, 2014

Listen in on this enlightening conversation with Joel Lesses and Jeremy McDonald as guests on World Awakened Talk Radio.  This conversation examines the interplay between our challenges and our greatest contributions to humanity, as all participants shar

Brenda Pearce and Ginger Hannah on WATR
February 23, 2014

A delightful, engaging conversation with Brenda Pearce and Ginger Hannah as guests.  World Awakened Talk Radio hosts Kerri Kannan and Craig Todd discuss with them the healing paths that they have taken in their own lives to help themselves and others in
