World Citizen Storycast

World Citizen Storycast

29: The Good, the Bad, and the Quiet

October 05, 2016

Is America really the greatest country in the world; if so, why? Should we be concerned that by living abroad we may miss important developments in our home country? Why hasn’t delicious traditional Korean food caught on more in the States? How does it feel to return home after years of always being treated like a special foreign guest? After reading a compelling article Bart Shaneman wrote about the reverse culture shock he experienced returning to quiet rural Nebraska after five years living in South Korea, Marcia and Lisle contacted him to hear his personal story of crossing back and forth between two cultures, and Marcia and Lisle tossed around these questions and others. Bart is the editor of the Scotts Bluff Star-Herald, and he has written two books about his travels and cultural experiences in Korea, China, Mongolia and Russia, which are available via his Website: