Works Media SEO Podcast

Works Media SEO Podcast

Ep21 – Are You Publishing Crappy Content Written Explicitly For Search Engines or Does Your Content Resonate with Readers?

February 04, 2015

John:    Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of the Works Media Podcast.  I'm your host, John Romaine and joining me is…

Byron:    Byron Trzeciak.

John:    This is Episode Number 21 and in today's Podcast we're talking about…  Crappy content!  Did you like that intro?

Byron:    I did yeah.  Obviously…

John:    I've been practicing that.

Byron:    Dropping the C bomb, that will be beeped out in our listeners ears.

John:    Crappy.  Crap, crap, crappy…

Byron:    We'll have to put that, the offensive - this Podcast may contain sensitive and offensive words.

John:    Yeah, be sure to check with mom and dad before you listen.

Byron:    Exactly.

John:    Mom, listen to this SEO Podcast, you might learn something.  Oh, that's crappy content.  Oh, this is an episode that just had to happen, right?

Byron:    Yeah, definitely.  Some we've been throwing around for a while and we talked about it in the last Podcast where we were talking about, you know, business owners creating content for the sake of having content on their Web site or building content for the sake of creating an audience that wants to come back, listen to that content, share that content, you know, and really automating that link-building process around your content.

John:    Yeah, God, I don’t know how many times I've looked at clients Web sites or even just Web sites in general for that matter and thought, who on earth wrote this.  I think there was an article that got shared just recently in the Google+ community and they were talking about the importance of the meta keyword tag and the first thing I - I started reading it, you know when you start reading an article and you have to stop yourself and read the first sentence over again because you think either this is really badly written or I can't read.  You know what I mean?

Byron:    Oh, exactly.

John:    I struggled with this article and it was obviously just someone had just flicked a job over Elance, paid $5 to someone in the Philippines to write this article about SEO and it was just awful.

Byron:    That's it, yeah.  I mean, let's talk about what makes good content to us.  I mean, from your perspective John if you're going to read an article, you know, what do you - not exactly what do you want it to cover but, you know, what do you want to gain from it when you're reading through that article?

John:    Yeah, that's a good question.  I remember Dan Norris saying once I write content that I would like to read.  I think that makes sense.  I often think like as I'm probably sure you have too, like constantly publishing content about SEO at times can be really dreary and almost tedious.  How many times can I talk about keyword research but if you think about what's going on, you know, within your own business - and I mean, that's essentially how this Podcast came to be because you're going through a client site at the moment and I know from the conversations that we've had, that you're just banging your head against the wall over there.

Byron:    That's it, yeah.  Well, it's actually funny.  A bit of a story here, let's go back in time and talk about how John and I first met and I actually found John because of his content and I was almost stalking his Web site for a period of time like lapping up all of the content that John has on his sites and for me each piece of content I was reading I was like, wow, this really makes sense, you know?  This is really clarifying a few things for me.

So I mean, John could be considered the Piped Piper in the way that he's, you know, gathering an army behind him because of some of this content that he's producing on his blog and on his Podcast so it does go to show the difference between if you were just posting, you know, very basic SEO, what is SEO but…

John:    Vanilla flavored advice.

Byron:    Exactly, yeah.

John:    That's - you know you co