Working With Drones

Working With Drones

WWD Podcast – Episode 7: Kate Kienapple at Coastal Drone Co.

June 06, 2017

Our guest is Kate Kienapple at Coastal Drone Co!  It was great to catch up with Kate who has a background as a commercial pilot and years of experience in the UAV training and services space.  I experienced Kate’s UAV ground school training first hand as she was my original instructor, and following that I also had the opportunity to work directly with her at Aerobotika.  She is now pursuing a number of UAV initiatives with Coastal Drone Co, based in Surrey, BC.  During this interview we had the chance to discuss a number of different topics, with some great answers from Kate.
Some of the topics covered in this podcast episode:

* Details on rolling out UAV training
* Why do some drone companies fail?
* What to expect at UAV ground school 
* How to differentiate yourself as a drone company 
* The evolution of Canadian regulations


Mike Morellato is the lead author and founder of  He works with drones and their data at Strategic in Campbell River, BC (Canada).