Working With Drones

Working With Drones

WWD Podcast – Episode 5: Felix Weber at Ag Business & Crop Inc.

May 08, 2017

Our guest is Felix Weber at Ag Business and Crop!  Felix joins us on the podcast with many years of experience as a farm consultant out in Palmerston, Ontario (Canada). He is very familiar with the introduction of new technologies into farming workflows and was a very early adopter of UAVs in this sector, also being the first distributor of Sensefly systems in Canada.  I first met Felix when I visited him out at his farm in Palmerston where he trained me on a mapping drone years ago.  It was great to reconnect and discuss drone use in the agricultural sector, one of the leading spaces for this technology. 
Some of the topics covered in this podcast episode:

* How farmers use UAVs to guide decisions
* Discussion of different light spectrums and how it relates to data capture
* Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and its uses
* Felix’s experience with his farming clients
* Drone applications on the farm


Mike Morellato is the lead author and founder of  He works with drones and their data at SNRC in Campbell River, BC (Canada).