Beyond Burnout - Life Management for Working Moms

Beyond Burnout - Life Management for Working Moms

The Power Behind Essential Oils - BB051

October 09, 2015

Carrier oils are usually extracted from fruits,vegetables or nuts like avocado, coconut, sweet almond, grapeseed, etc.
I made reference to a green cleaning solution courtesy of Liz Fulcher and her ebook on green cleaning at
The drain cleaning recipe was 1 cup of baking soda + 5 drops of lemon essential oil.
Sprinkle this down the drain, then follow it up with 1 cup of distilled vinegar.
Wait an hour, then rinse with 4 cups of boiling water.
In the last part of the podcast, I talk about drinking Kombucha as a source of probiotic.  Kombucha is a fermented tea and an excellent source of probiotic especially for those can not tolerate dairy (as in yogurt and kefir).
I tasted it for the first time with the support of family and we all loved it.  It's carbonated and tastes similar to a hard cider.
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