Beyond Burnout - Life Management for Working Moms

Beyond Burnout - Life Management for Working Moms

BB038 - You Irreplaceable Value as a Mom

May 08, 2015

Show BB038 Quick Guide
There is a natural emotional separation that you must have with your children that’s a part of normal healthy development.  We you send your children off to school and you go to work, it’s easy to feel as though you’re not participating enough in school activities or you’re missing out on key moments.  This feeling is worsened if you child tells you he or she wishes you didn’t have to work so you could be around more.
But the reality is, when you child is young and depending on their temperament, you can never give them enough time.  If they enjoy being around you, they will always want to be around you in a way that’s not realistic or practical.  I mentioned my son would opt to have us stitched together if he could.  That can’t and shouldn’t happen.
This degree of emotional dependence is more applicable to younger kids in elementary school.  Once they get to the tween and teens, they are happy to have you stay away.  So this is a struggle for moms with younger kids.  But know that the remedy is to give them your all when you’re with them and let go of the idea that you need to be doing more.  Because you’ll never reach the threshold of enough.  You can also see yourself as falling short.  
Having a career that you enjoy when your child goes off to college helps you when they leave the home.  You’ll miss them terribly, but being able to continue working and thriving in your job (if in fact you are thriving) helps offset the sense of loss you feel when your child or children leave your home.
Being a mom is tough.  But keep being mom. It’s your nature to love and nurture.  And that nurturing is what makes the world go around.  Everyone needs you. Sometimes all those needs can feel overwhelming.  But meeting those needs, plants the seeds for a lifetime of love and intimacy with your family.  
Think about that as you are honored on this Mother’s day.  Sunday we celebrate moms.  But you are so important that everyday is mother’s day.
So remember, when you feel worn down from all of your responsibilities, know that everything you do for your family has irreplaceable value.
Happy mother’s day to you today and everyday.
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