The Work Happy Coaching Podcast

The Work Happy Coaching Podcast

Podcast ep 45 – Should You Add Group Coaching To Your Services?

February 21, 2015

Many coaches focus on building up their practice based around working one on one with clients. But there is a lot to be said for introducing group training into your business model.

Working with groups can bring it's own rewards - you can reach more people, create a community and add a different aspect to your coaching.

But if you've only ever worked one on one working with groups can be a bit intimidating - so I've called in the cavalry. On today's podcast I'm talking with JJ Carolyn, a fellow coach for coaches (although she's thinking of changing that - WAY too much alliteration!)  who specializes in helping coaches get their groove on in the first few weeks out of coach school.

She's a big advocate for group coaching and helps coaches develop their practice to include group packages (if that's what works for them.)
In this episode we discuss:

Why group coaching can feel so intimidating to new and emerging coaches,
What the challenges really are
How you can develop your confidence and give group coaching a go.

About JJ Carolan
She's a Certified Professional Coach and BCBA who passionately partners with life coaches who are motivated to buck tradition and live their true lives.

You can find out more about JJ by visiting her website, or hooking up on Facebook
I want your thoughts!
Have you considered group coaching? If so, what stopped you from doing it? If you have tried it, what was your experience? What are your questions? Yes I know I'm a nosy bird but I want to know! Ask me in the comments below - I promise I'll respond personally.
Listen in here: