The Work Happy Coaching Podcast

The Work Happy Coaching Podcast

How to Pitch Yourself as a Podcast Guest Like a Pro

April 01, 2016

Podcast's are a great way to get your message out to a wider audience and have the capacity to build rapport with an audience that goes far beyond what you can do with a guest post. There's something immediate and intimate about podcasts - and if you are strategic about it, being a guest on the right podcasts is a fantastic way to increase your audience and gain new clients.

But just like everything in life, there is an easy way of doing things and a hard way. Today I'm going to share some do's and don't for how to pitch yourself as a podcast guest like a pro.

How to pitch yourself as a podcast guest like a pro - and here's why:

The number of people listening to podcasts has doubled in just a few years. There are now millions of podcast listeners downloading and spending time with their favorite shows.

Podcasts let you tell your story in a rich, deep way. Listeners can get to know you on a whole new level and this speeds up the know, like and trust factor. Once someone has had the chance to listen to you on a 30 minute interview they will have a feel for you, your message, energy and what you’ll all about.

There are thousands of potential podcasts looking for guests like you with tens of thousands (maybe even millions) of listeners ready and eager for your message.

They’re FUN to do and they fall within most coaches zone of genius because having great communication skills are part of our core skillset.

BUT there is a right way and (many) wrong ways to pitch yourself as a podcast guest and in today’s episode I’m going to share with you how you can maximize your chances of getting great podcast exposure while minimizing the chances that your pitch with land you in the delete pile.