The Work Happy Coaching Podcast

The Work Happy Coaching Podcast

How to make your perfect clients fall in love with you

January 28, 2016

Do you sometimes wish you knew the secret of how to make your perfect clients fall in love with you? You know that way that some online coaches seem to have this gaggle of people - with a zillion comments on every blog post, bajilions of YourTube subscribers and people copying their haircuts (ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit on that last one).
The secret is...there's no secret. Those people will have a rock solid and consistent way of putting content out that they know their perfect clients are waiting to devour. And you can too.
But wait you hate the thought of blogging? You can't think of things to write? You sometimes sit down at your computer and just get that ‘I’ve got a paper that needs to be in by tomorrow but I wanna go out and play on my bike instead’ feeling, (or  the I want to hang out on the corner with my mates sharing a bottle of thunderbird cider’ feeling, depending on the type of teenage years you had? Hint: Mine was the latter!)
I hear you sister, creating content can feel like a pain in the bum - and you can wonder just why you’re doing it and why you can’t just have a website with a ‘hire me’ button on there and get clients that way.
So today I’m going to break it down for you, showing you how to create content that makes you happy AND your perfect potential clients go dizzy with excitement. I'll be explaining:

* what content marketing is
* why it’s so important vital, and
* how you can do it in a way that not only woo’s your perfect clients into a state of frenzy, but actually feels good to create.

We’ll talk about some of the myths when it comes to creating content and why it's the cornerstone to pretty much every successful coaching business out there (even the one’s that say they don’t do traditional online marketing.)
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