

Latest Episodes

Ep 38 – We Lost 105 Pounds!
September 18, 2017

In a time and place when you can lose weight from anywhere, two ladies in their mid-to-late 27s have decided to – and so far, Kelly and Kari have lost over 100 pounds this year (combined). The ladies have received many emails about their weight loss...

Ep 37 – Workationing’s 6-month Recap and Reflection
September 08, 2017

It’s been a year since Kari and Kelly decided to embark on the adventure that became Workationing, and six months since they’ve been on the road. It’s been quite a trip so far, and now that the ladies have been “out here” on the road for a...

Ep 36 – Where We Went Wrong: The Acapulco Edition
August 29, 2017

Kari and Kelly have successfully escaped from Acapulco, and are in San Diego, California breathing the sweet air of American freedom. They left a few days earlier than planned, but it wasn’t soon enough. Several mistakes were made in the planning...

Ep 35 – Dear God, Get Us Out of Here!
August 22, 2017

The ladies HATE Acapulco, and can’t wait to get out. June was the deadliest month in Acapulco’s history, with 2,234 murders – it’s very murdery out here, and the Gringas are ready to leave. Aside from all the killing that goes on courtesy of...

Ep 34 – Cartel Country 2: Gringas in Acapulco
August 18, 2017

Santiago is back in town (check out the Medellín episodes to get the full story on this character), and he came just in time to see Kari and Kelly through some sort of crazy food poisoning flu situation. Kelly finally Googles Acapulco, which –...

Ep 33 – Staying in John Wayne’s Sex Dojo (Bucket List #7: The Los Flamingos)
August 15, 2017

The ladies are having a hell of a time in Acapulco, and not in the good way. To escape from their Airbnb compound for a couple of days, they decided to hit up the local hotspot all of the cab drivers keep telling them about: The Los Flamingos Resort,...

Ep 32 – We Made it to Acapulco, Mexico!
August 09, 2017

The ladies have gone from Montreal to Boston to live tweet from the Pride parade (work is tough sometimes), and have now settled into their Airbnb in Acapulco. How’d they find this place? It starts with, the Flo Rida music video for Whistle...

Ep 31 - Harsh Truths from Your Gringas
July 30, 2017

This one is mostly for the ladies, but guys, there’s lots for you to learn here, too. On this episode Kari and Kelly are talking about some of the harsh truths that they’ve come across while doing this whole intentional living thing. One of the...

Ep 30 – Bitcoin, Ethereum & Altcoins (oh, my!): Hodling on to Cryptocurrency and Regret
July 06, 2017

Kari and Kelly have known about Bitcoin since the early got in, the other is hodling on to some bithurt. In this episode, the ladies talk about their histories with cryptocurrencies and the insane amount of regret they – and other people...

Ep 29 – Getting Unstuck: How to Escape a Shitty Situation
June 30, 2017

The most powerful force in the world is habit, and the ladies are creating some new ones for themselves. One of these habits is clocking 10,000 steps on their FitBits each day, which leaves a lot of time for talking. Specifically, talking about...