A podcast about work, the future and how they will go together

A podcast about work, the future and how they will go together

Episode 44: How Should We Communicate in the Hybrid Workplace?

June 07, 2021

How do we present and communicate now that we are in hybrid work world? .We have gotten used to presenting virtually to a team that is perhaps far-flung, so what happens now when we have to get back to the office and  communicate to a team that partly in person but partly somewhere else? Do the same rules apply? And what about in-person presentations and interactions – do we even remember how to do them? Our guest today is Nick Dalley, President of Intentional Communications. He works with all kinds of communicators, including broadcast professionals, to get their messages across and he has some practical tips on how to handle the new challenges of communicating as we get back to the post-pandemic world of work. Guest Nick Dalley, President of Intentional Communication, Inc. helps professional communicators get their messages across more effectively whether the recipient of the message is a television audience or an individual. Nick has been in the business of presentation skills development for the past 20 years. Beginning in the ’80s Nick worked for 10 years with a New York presentation development firm. Prior to establishing ICI, he worked for nine years with a large, Dallas- based broadcast...
