A podcast about work, the future and how they will go together

A podcast about work, the future and how they will go together

Episode 43: Are Online Courses the Future of Education?

May 25, 2021

As we move towards the future of work, it is becoming increasingly clear that that  that might mean re-thinking education models. We tend to think of education as being a few years after high school then maybe the odd course to pick up new skills when you are working, but really we should be thinking in terms of continuous retraining and reskilling. That can be done a lot of ways, but one that is really gaining traction is by doing sel-paced online learning courses which are already a huge force and are becoming a bigger one.  As of 2019 that market was worth about $5.6 billion, a figure that is expected to hit $7.9 bllion by 2025. To talk about what is driving the demand, we are joined by  Chris Haroun who is the founder and managing partner at Haroun Educational Ventures. Chris designs and sells courses on the website Udemy, and to date he has sold about 1,000, 000 of them on the subjects of business and self improvement, so he knows a lot about this market and why it is growing and has lot to share on the subject. Guest: Udemy Teacher & Founder of Haroun Education Ventures...
