A podcast about work, the future and how they will go together

A podcast about work, the future and how they will go together

Episode 39: What Does the Post-Pandemic Market for MBAs Look Like?

April 15, 2021

Is getting an MBA super important and the key to success, or is it an expensive waste of time that will not necessarily get you where you want to be? The market seems to go back and forth on it:some years it seems that there is a ton of demand for MBAs and other years they are not nearly as coveted. It is particularly compelling question right now, since coming out of the pandemic many people are thinking about what they want to do next,  To discuss the issues around getting an MBA we are joined today by Megan Hendricks who is  the Executive Director of MBA Career Services and Employer Alliance, which is an organization that  works with both employers and schools.  She talks to us about what she is seeing in terms of demand for graduates in terms of sectors, as well as the bigger trends that were in place pre-pandemic. Bio: Megan Hendricks is the Executive Director of the MBA Career Services & Employer Alliance, an 800+ member global network of MBA/Masters career services professionals and employers. In this capacity, she leads the organization’s global activities, programs and operations, which includes overseeing over 150 volunteers and staff...
