A podcast about work, the future and how they will go together

A podcast about work, the future and how they will go together

Episode 34: How Can We Re-skill to Keep Up with Technology?

February 04, 2021

Our major economic problem right now is the pandemic and its offshoots, but that does not mean the economic issues we had before the pandemic have gone away. One of those issues is technology, or rather the speed of technological change and what that means for the labor market. With the fourth industrial revolution in full swing, the future may mean a very altered reality for workers, or at least some workers. We are going to need all kinds of new skills to cope with that future, and some workers are not going to have them, leaving us in a situation where we could have workers who are underemployed or unemployed at the same time that we increasingly do not have workers to do what needs to be done to move the economy forward. So how do we bridge that gap? Well our guest today is on the frontlines of bridging that gap. His name is Arvind Gupta and he is the CEO of a company called Palette Inc. that connects companies with talent but also has a hand in re-skilling that talent, which is something that we will increasingly need to think about if we want to fill labour...
