Words from Nerds – Same3Guys

Words from Nerds – Same3Guys

WFN266: LLAP Spock

March 03, 2015

Are external hard drives dead or do they still serve a purpose despite all of these cloud services? We’ll discuss pros and cons and go around the world of tech news. From LEGO to Raspberry Pi, there’s something for everyone.



Hosts: Tom Kresic, John Kresic, Mike Kresic

Running Time: 47:11



Nerd News Flash:

New Raspberry Pi 2 on sale
Glass?!? glasses with tech
PVDF is my newest favorite acronym
This is not your Dad’s phone charger.
LEGO to buy: Dr. Who sets are coming!
Sophisticated heat beam is your first new ST Replicator
To Black Hole, or not to Black Hole...that is the question
The 1.2B people in India may not be able to get the iFon, or wait...iPhone
Google+ seems like its tanking...I guess it depends what week you check




Featured Story: Are external HDD’s dead?

Not when your SSD fails!
Synology updates and personal experience.
Once a drive hits a small amount (100gb) of  free space
Pocket drives for backups of PCs and laptops

disk wiping the old drives with DBAN or a Torx screwdriver to take about the drive.
Shredding your old CD-ROM backups with your next doc shredder
roadkil utility for diskwipe