Word for the Week

Word for the Week

#62: 3 Thoughts with John Christian-A Psychologist’s Perspective

May 12, 2020

One of the great privileges of serving in the military is getting to know and work alongside others who see the world from different perspectives than my own, while at the same time partnering with them to serve others. I have come to respect and admire John Christian for his passion to help others through his work as a psychologist, and while there are ways we do see the world differently, we share a mutual appreciation for how our professional disciplines intersect for the good of those around us. I’ve had so many wonderful conversations with John about how faith and psychology intersect for good in people’s lives. I’m glad we finally got to record one of those conversations. I hope you enjoy listening to the three thoughts that have been on his mind during this global crisis.   We need a struggle to engage Action leads to a change in attitude (behavioral activation) Human beings are meant for connection