Patrick Wu

Patrick Wu

Addictions, Relationships And Misunderstandings Of The Mind | Jason Shiers | #277

July 22, 2019

You can check out Jason Shier's Podcast at or get in touch with Jason at

You can get your own copy of The Relationship Handbook by George Pransky here 

Also you can check out the audio version of my book called the art of wooing by clicking here

What You Will Learn:

* How to get out of the addictive nature of addictive relationships and being obsessed with searching for a better relationship.
* Why you may be looking for perfection in another person to give you a particular feeling.
* When you are happy you can share happiness with someone else.
* The illusion of if I have this person then everything will be ok.
* How to know if you're addicted to someone or something.
* The Question to ask yourself, "how happy are you when you are not with that you're addicted too".
* How the misunderstanding of your feelings around circumstances can cause you suffering.
* Why digging into problems of bad feelings only keeps bringing you bad feelings (hopelessness).
* How all the problems that you have created for yourself are from your thoughts.
* How to get out of this repeated chatter and habitual thinking.
* Why All the feelings that all people are searching for is when you mind is empty.
* How Jason creates better relationships these days after knowing this 3 Principles understanding.
* How Jason got to experience all the great feelings he was looking for when looking for the next relationship.
* Why people naturally gravitate towards people who are present with presence.

if you have any questions you can email me at

Have a woonderful day.

Patrick Wu (The Wooist)