Patrick Wu

Patrick Wu

Creating Your Next Relationship | Michael McDonald | # 276

July 15, 2019

Michael McDonald is the integrity coach, writer, facilitator and speaker who works with conscious leaders and entrepreneurs helping them transform their lives from the inside out.

To learn more about Michael McDonald. You can go to or you can send him an email at

To listen to The Art Of Wooing Audio Book you can go to

What You Will Learn:

* Why Amazing things are always trying to happen and why you just have to get out of the way for it to happen.
* Where most of our great ideas come from?
* Why Michael's relationships become better easy and luckier when he's not trying so hard.
* The difference between mental attraction and energetic attraction.
* What is embodied turn on?
* How Michael's relationships lasted so long even when he didn't have to define the relationship.
* What is relational objectification?
* The difference between following through and taking control of something.
* The intentional to follow through.
* Why people stay in relationships longer than they should last.
* Acknowledging everything that tries to come through you.
* Why giving yourself permission to be surprised will help you unravel something better than you could ever imagine.
* What keeps you from finding the next romantic relationship.
* How brainstorming things on what you want in a relationship is a good idea.
* Wants vs Needs in a relationship.
* How to let the subconscious work for you to get your next relationship.

If you have any questions you can send an email to me 

Have a woonderful day.

Patrick Wu (The Wooist)