Wonderful Web TV

Wonderful Web TV

#241 [Web TV] 5 Minute Reframe So You’re Confident Charging What You’re Worth

June 04, 2017


So a potential client says to you “I really want your help, how much do you charge?” and you reply “………………”,”um, well I’m still finalising my prices, um, I’ll get back to you, um………where do I hide?”
If you’ve ever felt nervous asking for what you’re worth then this week’s episode is really going to help. I share a simple, 5 minute exercise that is simple, practical and totally reframes your thoughts on your pricing.
I’d love to hear your ideas and questions. Just share down below.
P.S. If you have a friend who struggles discussing their prices, please forward this onto them and then hold them accountable to do the exercise.

Janet Beckers:  Hello and welcome. Janet Beckers here with your Wonderful Web TV tip of the week. Today, let’s talk about pricing your programs and actually being comfortable to say what it is that you’re charging.
Now, this has come from a question from somebody in our private Facebook group who was saying, “You know what? I’ve got all of these people who were coming to me saying, ‘I really, really want you to coach me in setting up this particular part.'” It’s a business in her particular niche. “They’re asking me for it. They’re asking me for my private coaching, but every time they ask me how much it is, I can’t bring myself to do it. So I haven’t … I haven’t been able to take anybody on, you know? Janet, what is it? Why am I … What’s stopping me from being able to say what I want to … what I want to charge and feel comfortable with it? What can I do about it?” It’s such a good question. Have you been in this situation yourself?
Now, the thing is, there’s a lot of reasons why we don’t feel comfortable to say what we’re charging. There’s actually whole courses that go on to this, and I’ve got some wonderful people I can introduce you to that can give even greater insights in uncovering those blockages. What I want to do today is let me just give you a practical thing that you can do that’s not going to require you to think about your mind blocks and to look back at your programming for why … So you don’t have to think too much, okay? Let me just give you a practical exercise that you can do right now that, hopefully, will help you to switch it around.
First of all, I want you to list all of the things that you were considering including in your offering. Put them all down as a good list. Now I want you to think about what would somebody who is really, truly awesome at doing this, what would they be putting down as the value of what that is? Not you, okay? We’re not talking about you. This is a good exercise for people who are the service provider. In this example, it was somebody who was going to be giving business coaching in their particular niche, because she’s totally rocked her own business. I’ll give examples for that. Just say it was going to be doing with e-coaching, and your one-on-one, and some templates, and get-out-of-jail calls, all these different things that you could be doing. What would somebody who is awesome at that … what would they be putting down as their value? I want you to do that, and don’t kind of make it too small. It’s the kind of value that somebody would be saying, “All right. Okay, you’re going to have an hour with me. That’s 550 bucks,” or, “An hour with me, that’s 1,000,” whatever it is. Put down those things, really good list, and then add up the total.
Now what I want you to do is think about your customer. Now,