Wonderful Web TV

Wonderful Web TV

#237 [Web TV] Your ONE THING For 2017

January 01, 2017

First, let me just say “HAPPY NEW YEAR” (Imagine this said with a glass of champagne in hand).
Now…let’s talk about this year.
Is this going to be the year you kick goals in your business with ease and a sense of joy?
Or is this going to be a year when you limp to the finish line, burnt out?
It’s a fine line and it could easily go either way.
It all depends on Your ONE Thing for 2017.
I explain it all in this week’s video and also share MY One Thing for 2017.
I’m looking forward to hearing your ONE THING. Just leave a comment below to share.
P.S. Pass this on to any friends or colleagues in business who you think this will help. Let’s make 2017 a rockin’ year for everyone.


Janet Beckers: Hello and welcome. Janet Beckers here with your wonderful Web TV tip of the week. Yay 2017! Here we are. There is something so exciting about just going from the 31st of December to the 1st of January. Isn’t it crazy? It’s just a matter of one day, and yet there is such a sense of opportunity that comes with changing to a different year. You know what? Let’s make the most of that beautiful energy and optimism that comes with the beginning of the year.
The last few videos I’ve shared with you have been about things that you need to strategically review so that you’ve got the right information coming in to be able to create an awesome, awesome year. Now, let’s have a look from … We’ve looked at your profit and loss. You know, looking at the numbers. What is happening per program? What have you been offering? Then, in our second video, we looked at, energetically, how was that really going to make it so you’re doing what you’re passionate about in your business?
Now we’re going to be looking at the next thing, and this part here, we’re not looking so much internally. Now we’re going to start looking external, but it’s kind of marrying those two together. What I would like you to really focus on now, and this is what I’ve been going through right now just in the last couple of weeks, is really having a look at … you know what? I can’t possibly do absolutely everything that I could be doing, that I want to be doing, in my business in the next 12 months.” I have to really make some tough decisions on what I will do and what I won’t do.
I want to ask you, what is going to be your focus this year? What’s going to be your number one thing that’s going to be your big focus for the first three months of this year? It may very well be that you’re going to have one program, one service, that is going to be your total focus for the next 12 months, or it may be that you’re going to have the one program and then you’re going to have another product, service, or promotion that could be different but hopefully it’s going to be combining together.
Just focusing on that one big thing, you’re going to get so many more results than if you try to scattergun by launching lots and lots of different products and services and doing lots of things. It is much better to do one thing, or over the year, two things and do it incredibly well than try to do too much. I’ll tell you what, for us entrepreneurs who usually will have so many ideas, this is where we go wrong all the time. It’s the hardest thing is to decide what you won’t do.
Let me share with you the process I’ve been working through. I have decided, I’m going to be focusing for the first part of my year very much on my video marketing academy and helping people really, really get some results with that. Then, in the second part of the year … I know that there’s going to...