Wonderful Web TV

Wonderful Web TV

#233 [Web TV] Gunna Bird or Stuffit Bird

October 30, 2016

There’s this weird saying in our home, “Are you a Gunna bird or a Stuffit bird?
Let me tell you, it’s the Gunna Birds that end up driving you crazy.
I explain it all, plus give you 2 types of Stuffit Birds you can choose between, all in this quick 2 min, 28 second video.
P.S. I’d love to hear. What type of bird are you?








Janet: Hello and welcome. Janet Beckers here with your wonderful Web TV tip of the week. Today I'm asking you, are you a Gunna Bird or a Stuffit Bird? Let's see what I mean. Gunna Bird or Stuffit Bird? It's one of those really weird sayings that's in our household. I really don't know where it came from, but I think it came from somebody that my husband went to school with. It's just had become part of his vocabulary and it stuck with us as well. This is how it looks. In life according to this theory, people fall into 2 categories. They're either a Gunna Bird or a Stuffit Bird.
A Gunna Bird is, "I'm gunna do this. I'm gunna do that. As soon as everything's right, I'm gunna do this." Gunna, gunna, gunna, but they're not actually ever getting anything done. The other one, the Stuffit Bird, could mean 2 things. One is, "You know what? It's not really that important and I'm probably not gunna, gunna, gunna, gunna get it done so I stuff it, forget it. I'm not ever going to pull that." The other side and this is where the power is with the Stuffit Bird is, "You know what? This is important. I want to do it, so I stuff it. I'm just going to get it done. I'm going to stop thinking about it. Stop talking about it, just get it done."
Which one are you? You know what? I think all of us are Gunna Birds at some stage. I don't think you're being honest with yourself if you say that you're not. The thing to do now here is to think, "Okay, if I hate myself saying I'm gunna, gunna, gunna," stop and think yourself here. All right, "Am I a Gunna Bird or a Stuffit Bird? I'm going to be a Stuffit Bird, which [inaudible 00:01:50] fall into?" Stuff it, ditch it. Stuff it, let's get on with it. I love to hear from you. What do you reckon you are? A Gunna Bird or a Stuffit Bird? If you had a bit of an aha today, what is it that you've decided to either ditch or just get on with?
I love to hear from you, so leave your comments down below or drop me an email. If there's a Gunna Bird in your life that you think would really benefit from this video, pass it on to them because I'm out there to just help people to take action and get things done. Bye.