Wonderful Web TV

Wonderful Web TV

#228 [WebTV] Friggin’ Cold Water and Your Business Goals

July 31, 2016

Every Friday morning I meet a girlfriend at Terrigal beach and we run (ummm, walk) around the coastline and in summer do a sprint swim (umm, leisurely paddle) out to the floating cairn and back.

Without fail we land on the beach, invigorated, hugging each other with gratitude and feeling fantastic.

Then comes winter. I can tell you the water is friggin' freezing. No-one but a crazy person would swim there without a full wetsuit.

So today I share with you a lesson when 2 crazy women, armed only with their swimmers and caps, choose to brave the winter ocean.

So what's in it for you? I share the strategy we used to get our mindset right and how you can use the same technique to reach your intimidating business goals. With some examples.

Oh and some beautiful glimpses of the ocean.

I'm looking forward to hearing your ideas.


P.S. If you're serious about reaching your business goals, the first step is to get super-clear on your Profitable Avatar and your product offerings. Let's do that together, with a handful of other business owners, in a luxury home on the Gold Coast for one day in a couple of weeks. Ready? The investment is a total no-brainer. Just contact me to find out more.