Wonderful Web TV

Wonderful Web TV

#227 [Web TV] 2 Lame Radio Ads

July 24, 2016

I work from home which means I really don't need to spend much time in my car, which also means I don't get to hear commercial radio often.

Each Wednesday I drive to my singing lesson (yep, one of my big aspirations is to be a back-up singer in a band, truly) and this week, I just had to sit in car park and share with you.

You see, I just listened to 2 totally lame Radio ads in a row.

Now remember, these ads would have been created after advice from the radio station and probably quite a bit of discussion in house. Yet they got them sooooo wrong.

How can that happen?

Well I share with you how each one came very close to getting it right, yet totally missed the mark with their target market. Plus I give you ideas on how to do better so you don't make the same mistakes with your sales copy, emails and any ads you run online and offline.
I can't wait to hear if you think they are lame as I do.


P.S. If you want to get super clear on the messages your Profitable Avatar wants to hear and to nail your offerings, AND you want to do it in a very small group (we're talking about 6 people) with just ME, in a luxury home on the Gold Coast, with gourmet food prepared by my daughter, for just one day, then reply and let me know. I'll send you the info to join me (and trust me, this is exceptionally good value as I'm running this day anyway to welcome new members in my Wonderful Web Leaders program).



Hello and welcome, Janet Beckers here with your Wonderful Web TV tip of the week. And yes I'm sitting in my car because I've just pulled up to my singing lesson and on the way here, because I work from home, I don't actually get in the car that much. So when I'm driving I listen to the radio and honestly I've just heard the most ridiculous ads and I thought I'd share with you some tips on how you can be so close to getting something right and get it so wrong.

Here's the 2 ads I've been listening to and these that are on the radio so these businesses have taken their time to really work out what they're going to say in these ads. They probably have good advice, what I thought was good advice from the radio station and they've paid money to broadcast this. And to most people, it wouldn't seem like just an ordinary ad but when I heard them I thought "good grief"

The first one was an ad where they started saying about "Have you sick on hearing about special offer 2 for the price of 1. Money back guarantees blah blah blah well here at this company, our guarantees you won't be disappointed. Come on in and you won't be disappointed. Have a look everywhere else, you won't be disappointed."

Doesn't really entice you much does it? To go in and go there. Why would you go in there? To not be disappointed. You've got to have a much more powerful Call To Action something that's going to make you go in like "we'll beat the price" or "we have fantastic bonuses that we give with every thing." or "we give you servicing for 12 months for free" or whatever it is. Something that you'll gonna go "Wow that's the place that has this."

So look at your call to actions. Have you got something lame like "you're not going to be disappointed" or lame like "quality guaranteed" or "best service" or lame. Think about that.

The next one was an interesting one because they probably thought they were being really clever but they lost it, they missed the mark. And it was an ad for Panthers, which is a big club here down in Sydney and they have some kind of crab shack, they've got the restaurant where you get dirty and you eat the crabs.

Anyway the whole ad was all of this sexual innuendo about you like it soft or do you like it hardcore really, really lots and lots of innuendo, which may have appealed to the target market that probably male single type thing that would go "yeah yeah yeah."