CompTIA Women TechCast

CompTIA Women TechCast

Dealing with Disruption: Part 1

September 17, 2018

Dealing with Disruption: AWIT’s Cristina Greysman Talks with Dianne Kipp about Making the Most Out of Big Changes

In this 3-part series from CompTIA’s Advancing Women in Technology Community (AWIT), Executive Council chair Cristina Greysman and culture expert Dianne Kipp talk about the ways disruption affects both our personal lives and our careers, and how we survive and thrive in a disruptive environment.
“Change is the new constant and the velocity it’s coming at us is so overwhelming,” said Kipp.
The two discuss when change happens to us, and how to spot the times in our jobs and our lives when we have to implement change in order to level up.
When you are going through change, whether it’s a new software, a new team or a new house, give yourself time to adjust.
“You’ve got to give yourself permission to take that time,” Greysman said.
In the second part of the series, they go through a Top 10 list of actionable items for all sorts of different live and career changes from on-boarding with a new company to managing a team for the first time.

Listen to the episode on iTunes, or wherever you find your favorite podcasts.