The Nancy Gaines Show

The Nancy Gaines Show

232_Jamie Sarche_Why Business Owners Should Pre-Plan their Funeral

July 17, 2019

Hear why funeral pre-planning is as important as a business exit plan in this interview with Jamie Sarche. She is the Director of Pre-Planning at Feldman Mortuary here in Denver, Colorado. In her pre-planning role, she helps families alleviates the emotional and financial burden on loved ones, putting them in control of the process. Her calling is helping people be less afraid of death. She is a seasoned speaker who brings deep experience in death care to a broad range of audiences around the country, sharing insights and approaches on how to have those difficult conversations, and how to address sensitive issues. She has delivered a TedX talk on the subject of death and has recently started small group sessions (caskets and cocktails) to get people talking about this topic. Contact Jamie: