Women Building Wealth

Women Building Wealth

5 Questions You Should Know To Close A Sale – If You Can’t Answer, You Aren’t Ready To Sell!

June 18, 2020

*Join our Women Building Wealth Club → bit.ly/WomenBuildingWealthClub_Group

Stop taking messy action and wasting people’s time! Be precise in your pitch and close the sale faster. Jacqueline Nagle, Speakable You, is teaching us today how to move people to your product/coaching/service because you took them from where they were to where they should be.

You will learn how to build a pathway that makes it easy for your client to buy from you by connecting through the story.

Go from “me” to “we” in someone’s mind with 1 conversation! Listen towards the end to hear how a gentleman decided to show up differently and sell hundreds of thousands from a free event!


Jacqueline is a woman who has forged a successful career, dependent on redefinition, evolution & left of center thinking. Conceptualizing & deploying strategies & projects which drove rapid multiple-8-figure growth, selling business to ASX Co’s, taking on hostile installation as CEO in Traffic Control, securing a Hollywood A-Lister for a project–going down to a California Gag Order–with experience in recruitment, labor hire, mining services, construction, industrial relations, events & advisory.

For 15 years Jacqueline has successfully trained consultants, professionals, business owners, executives, and the C-Suite in speaking, sales, presenting, core messaging, negotiating and positioning, before turning her attention more specifically to the craft of speaking in early 2017.

Since then, Jacqueline has worked with 100’s of emerging and established speakers across Australia and the USA, delivering training to some of Australia’s major corporate brands including Tattersalls (The Lott) and Anglicare, her programs have been picked up by the Australian Institute of Sport (Olympic) Gold Medal Alumni Program in Canberra, and she has recently been awarded (the global designation) of Certified Speaking Professional.

Beyond all of this Jacqueline has been called a down & dirty strategist & loves it. Obsessed with the power of words her driving philosophy is wrapped up in her core business brand–SpeakableYOU

Because the only thing that matters to Jacqueline is that YOU are ABLE to SPEAK with the strength to create a position of power & influence to drive the results YOU want.

*You can find Jacqueline at www.speakableyou.com