Wombat Radio

Wombat Radio

Reina Takeuchi

June 21, 2021


"to reconcile the disjointedness we feel as people that are within asia but are not asian"Reina Takeuchi

Reina Takeuchi is an Australian-Japanese artist-researcher interested in interdisciplinary collaboration and facilitating embodied experiences of contemporary art, we cover:

* legacy* art in institutions* not being a "curator" or "choreographer"* embarking on a phD* being in a triad* presenting at MCA - Holding Lightness - Music by: thomas.gray.and.liam.ebbs* identity in art making* work - Between Oceans



* 4A Gallery - https://www.instagram.com/4a_aus/* Website - https://www.reinatakeuchi.com/* https://www.instagram.com/reina.brigette/* on earth we're briefly gorgeous - book* https://www.instagram.com/leyla_stevens/* https://www.the-national.com.au/artists/leyla-stevens/patiwangi-the-death-of-fragrance/
