Wombat Radio

Wombat Radio

Candy Bowers

September 30, 2019

"A really hard (glass) ceiling gives you cuts and bruises" (breaking through it leaves scars)Candy Bowers

Candy Bowers is an award-winning writer, actor, director, theatre maker, social-activist, comedian and producer. The artistic director of Black Honey Company, Candy has pioneered a fierce sub-genre of lyrical theatre that delves into the heart of radical feminist dreaming. We cover.

* Background: South African | Australian* Making people feel tension in performance * Explaining the Apartheid * Not just whats going on outside of us but also intra-community conversations * Using the term Colonial Supremacy instead of white supremacy * challenging the conservatism * Female roles in theatre performance * Perpetuating gender roles in theatre* preventing diabetes being the ultimate decolonisation: One the Bear* Changing relationship with food, challenging relationship with sex and women * South Africans and diabetes and introduction of sugar * "Spiritual underpinning of diabetes, is unrequited love" - Candy Bowers* Empowering yourself, on others terms* "The process of decolonisation is so much about self care and self loving...Pure nurture" - Candy Bowers , an opposition of the structure and binaries of colonials* "You don't fight possession with possession" - Candy Bowers* Growing self worth * Legacies and monogamy * Period blood and spinster-ism

"Decolonisation isn't colonisation" (by a different group)Candy Bowers


* https://thecandybowers.blog/* https://www.linkedin.com/in/candy-bowers-82876338/?originalSubdomain=au* https://www.facebook.com/candy.bowers* https://twitter.com/TheCandyBowers* https://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/theatre/a-hip-hop-fairytale-worth-hearing-20190701-p522xq.html