

The Art Of Self Pleasure with Rosie Rees

November 26, 2020

Hey beautiful,
This is episode seven with Rosie Rees.

In this episode we chat about:
- Exploring pleasure beyond surface level orgasm
- How Rosie’s personal experience of pleasure has instructed her business evolution
- How sexuality has been suppressed in our society and why Rosie chose to pioneer this for women
- How the yoni egg was the catalyst to Rosie sexual awakening
- The physical, emotional, and energetic effects of using a yoni egg and what that was like for Rosie
- How the yoni egg creates more sensitivity within the yoni
- Holding space for other women to explore pleasure and healing through the yoni
- Bringing honour, sacredness and love to the body and why feeling it to heal it is so important
- Riding between pleasure and pain and using breath, sound, and movement as a tool of release
- The difference between soft trauma and hard trauma
- Self-leading your own healing and pleasure practice to experience better sex and orgasms
- The power of creating intimacy with yourself first and setting the standard of pleasure and intimacy you desire
- Exploring self pleasure in the way you want to explore love making
- Creating self love through self pleasure
- Slowing everything down to truly feel yourself and turn on your sensuality
- How vibrators can numb your pleasure
- Opening up pleasure pathways in your mind
- Why Rosie believes everyone can spirt and experience female ejaculation
- The intimacy of communication and vulnerability and how they improve your sex life
- Understanding female libido and desire
- Rewriting the script on your self pleasure and sensual experience as a woman
- Bringing more orgasmic energy to your life

After ditching her vibrator in 2013, Rosie decided to create an online shop dedicated to slowing down self pleasure and prioritizing pelvic floor wellness. What started with a simple Jade Egg practice transformed into designing bespoke pleasure wands and de-amouring tools for women with differing pelvic needs and pleasure desires. As a modern day nudist, Rosie also believes that spending more time naked on the yoga mat creates a healthier body image and improves our beliefs and perceptions about our body.

Rosie’s coaching sessions are transformational experiences bringing women in closer connection with their Yoni, which lead to more empowering sexual experiences with themselves and their partner. Rosie is the founder of Women's Nude Yoga and creator of Yoni Pleasure Palace, an online boutique selling high quality crystal sex toys. Her mission is to make every woman feel sexually empowered and confident in her body! She lives in sea-side city, Perth in Western Australia with her female partner, sassy three year old and Spoodle puppy, Harry! If you found today’s episode supportive, please subscribe on iTunes and share this episode on your social platform of choice. You will mostly find me hanging out over on Instagram and you can tag me there @jody_mcgrice.

One last thing please, please, please, please share this with the women in your life. And, if you are feeling exceptionally generous today you can leave me a review on iTunes so we can share these conversations with even more women. I am so excited to share with you the beautiful, Rosie Rees.