

Latest Episodes

The Dancer Thieves: A Second Chance for Prisoners in Burkina Faso | Witness
September 18, 2019

A world-famous Burkinabe choreographer teaches inmates to dance, preparing his students for life outside prison.

Sierra Leone: The Husband School | Witness
March 03, 2019

Trying to tackle sexual violence in Sierra Leone, one man teaches men how to be better husbands.

Taiwan School Bank Experiment: Money Lessons for Life | Witness
January 21, 2019

A school in Taiwan uses a controversial social experiment to teach students the value of money.

The Seed Queen of Palestine | Witness
December 10, 2018

Can one woman's mission to revive ancient heirloom seeds inspire a celebration of traditional Palestinian food?

Eviction Notice: The Canadians Fighting to Save their Homes | Witness
December 02, 2018

When residents of a Calgary mobile home park are threatened with eviction, one elderly inhabitant decides to fight back.

Radio Rohingya | Witness
November 26, 2018

In a refugee camp in Cox's Bazaar, a young Rohingya refugee dreams of giving a voice to his people.

Korean Lovers in Baghdad | Witness
November 15, 2018

A young Iraqi woman's obsession with all things Korean inspires her dream of moving to South Korea.

Halima Aden: From refugee to Somali American hijabi model
November 02, 2018

Can the Somali American model navigate the demanding fashion industry in New York and balance family expectations in Minnesota?

The Things We Keep | Witness
October 31, 2018

In an age of non-stop news feeds and disposable media, which stories and images stay with us and how do they shape us?

South Africa's Reluctant Vigilante | Witness
October 21, 2018

The leader of a controversial vigilante group fights for legitimacy in a crime-riddled South African community. But at what cost?