Within A Quarter Inch

Within A Quarter Inch

Episode 82 Quilt Show a Comin’ - Within A Quarter Inch

May 21, 2014

I recorded this episode a month ago! gah! I used my phone which worked really well expect for the fact that it saved it in a format only a MAC can read... So I had to find a MAC to get it on (and how to get it there...) convert in Garageband, send it back to my PC and then edit in Audacity. Which should really not be that big a deal because J has a MAC and we have external drives for transferring but it became an effort and I can get lazy about efforts! (I was going to write an excuse, but let's be honest here guys)...

en tout cas (in any case)

Max is not going anywhere guys. No way. He is my super cutey patootie pie and things are much better right now... hoping the next crisis (current cycle is every 3 months) is much more manageable....

I am really excited about the upcoming quilt show - spoiler alert - my quilt was accepted!

I have signed up for an all day class with the awesome Jacquie Gering. The class is called Improvisational Log Cabin: A Modern Makeover and although improv quilting makes me twitch a little, I really love the class sample and more importantly, I get to spend the day with Jacquie!

I had the opportunity to meet her at Quilt Market last Fall and she is just so genuine and a great teacher -- if you haven't already signed up for her Craftsy Class Creative Quilting with Your Walking Foot then you have my permission to click away from this post and go sign up. It is THE BEST CLASS I have taken on Craftsy, hands down, and I might have an alarming amount of classes on my enrolled list...

**yup - I will get a commission if you sign up for the class through this link** thanks!!

I love when a teacher 'teaches' instead of 'shows' you how to do something - there is a subtle yet huge difference between the two and Jacquie has it down pat.

If you haven't already seen her free QuiltCon lecture from 2012 on the Craftsy site - then I highly recommend that too. Watch it and you will immediately why she is so well respected! AND why I am dying to spend more time with her!! I already warned her that she will be dragged by the nose to come see my quilt hanging in the show!!

That's it for the show notes today - I have to get back to the sweat shop:)