Within A Quarter Inch

Within A Quarter Inch

Episode 68 A Side Order of Tears

October 17, 2013

This show is a little different guys… I recorded it on Wednesday, October 11th – over a week ago. I couldn’t post it until I listened to it because I kind of totally had a break down while recording.

A lot of listeners have been with me for years and have heard about our struggles with Max and read about them here on the blog also. It has been a particularly rough time lately and that was the topic I was sharing. Update: since the show I have managed to stop crying- so many feels! (right Daisy and Pam?)- and we are making progress in our new goal of intensive home therapy. I am keepin’ it real though, because at this point, I will believe it when I see it.

The rest of the show was a lot more fun a bit better!


Here are the Halloween costumes that I made for them last year! Sarah was a Mermaid….

She had been politely asking begging for an ‘up-do’ at a kids specialty salon for months (since closed!) – and so for Halloween, we had her hair done to be Mermaid-esque.

Like any good, crazy busy, mom – I totally forgot to take any other pictures that night! But I did ask her to put the costume back on for a few quick shots (please ignore the house in the background — we have since moved in a little more!)

Sewing with sequined elastic, tulle, fake silky silks, and mirrored fabrics (ever try picking stitches out of mirrored fabric?? The glare is blinding!) was definitely a learning curve! I love that the tail is held up with an elastic at her wrist. So satisfying to see that happy face!

This year – she picked a peacock – I am going to be sneezing feathers for a while. I will be sure to share pictures when they are ready!

And here is sweet Max! SO adorable in his whale suit, but everyone thought he was a dolphin- so he is going to be an actual whale this year!


I chatted about a few other things that I will link to here:

Blitsy – a craft-centric flash sale kind of site where specials come and go

Alison Glass and her Sunprint fabrics

The Accu-Quilt Go Log Cabin Die

I talked on the show that I thought the die itself would look like the layout on the package. See how it looks like you would just cut it and then pick them up in piecing order?

And that you could lay a 12 inch square of fabric right over it (since I’m a fat quarter kind of girl) whereas you really have to cut longer strips?

And yes – I could have seen for myself how it was laid out before I purchased it.. (evidenced by the photo to the right!) but I didn’t.

In any case, it isn’t a big deal, I was just a little surprised!








The Denyse Schmidt Fabric I picked up called Florence (note: the photo below is linked to the source, an Etsy shop, where you can buy it if you like… I have not purchased from this shop so I can’t speak to it directly, but the price was right!)

The Scrumptious Fabric that I am trying to find (justify spending money on…)

The RSS Radio App that I like using – YES, it is hard to search for podcasts on it.. it doesn’t show them all. But you can import from your ipod (I didn’t) and you can search by name and you can add them manually. Set up it the time-consuming part, but isn’t it always?

Podcasts I listen to:

For Crying Out Loud

Betty in the Sky With a Suitcase


And I am LOVING the new Quilting Podcast by Amy Ellis and April Rosenthal – it is called ‘QuiltCast

P.S. I do enjoy love the cross out feature.