With Relish

With Relish

With Relish: HeadStuff’s Brand New Food Podcast | Trailer

May 12, 2017

With Relish is a bi-weekly food programme who will look deep into Ireland's culinary industry and identity, with a focus on the individuals that make it up. Through the series we hope to speak to some of the country's most exciting and innovative chefs, food producers, writers and anyone shaping Ireland's food landscape.

The programme is presented by Harry Colley and Aoife Allen, both Chefs in Dublin's Fumbally Cafe. They believe there there are amazing things happening in Irish food and so much of it can pass you by unless you’re looking out for it. The show aims to provide a platform to showcase Ireland’s most interesting and under-cherished food industry workers. Focusing heavily on the lesser discussed issues of the food world, you are guaranteed informed and entertained over the course of the programme.

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