Witches Of The Craft

Witches Of The Craft

Good Monday Morning to all our dear family & friends! How Y’all Doing This Morning? Ready to get this show on the road……

June 12, 2017


Good Monday Morning to one and all! Can you believe it is Monday already? Gee, I think they need to extend the weekends or something, lol! Not enough hours in the weekends anymore. Let's get this show on the road before it becomes another day on us, what'cha say.....


The Goddess is Alive


Moon shines down upon a sea of Light,
Shifting sands lay singing in the Heart of the Night.
I looked upon a scene that gripped me to the core,
White-clad maidens below were dancing on the shore.


Sweet sounds slipped from moon-lit throats,
Wind whipped hair abound,
Lit by the light within and without,
The Women circled 'round.


As I stood, water engulfed my feet,
My body swayed to your Heavenly Heart beat.
Wind and wave and fire light,
Paled in my mind Earthly delight.


Time slipped by me as you held your embrace,
And windblown spray covered my face.
Protected deep within your Womb,
I could feel the tender pain of Life's bloom.


Candles flared high as the Dance progressed,
Deep inside with a healing touch you blessed.
All around, wind, wave and fire shouted of your life,
Your light speared deep within, soothing my strife.


Divine Mother, Goddess of Light,
To you I come seeking protection from the night.
Come home to shelter within your arm,
Surrounded by Love, hidden from harm.


Holy Mother, Queen of Heaven and Earth,
From you we all trace our Birth.
Heavenly Goddess, light from above,
Shine down upon us, we pray for your Love.


-----Author Unknown



Contents of this Podcast

Your Astronomy for June 12

The Moon Void of Course

What Exactly does the VOC mean?

In Your Great BIg Beautiful Sky Tonight

The Witches Current Moon Phase

Weekly Astrology: June 12 - June 18