Wing-It Worldwide | Travel + Adventure = Freedom | Digital Nomads, Worldschoolers

Wing-It Worldwide | Travel + Adventure = Freedom | Digital Nomads, Worldschoolers

Episode 16--Wing-It Worldwide--Coffee With The Medellin Cartel

October 21, 2016

(Season Two) On a plane from Colombia full of over 170 travelers, only three of us were from the United States. Even nowadays most tourists can't shake the image of the fierce Medellin Cartel, and continue to stay away in droves. But hey, that didn't stop us from going...and ultimately having coffee at Pablo Escobar's home. But all of that came after exploring this beautiful city with perfect weather, taking a cable car ride to what was once the 'most dangerous city in the world', partying with thousands of toys and enjoying some of the most delicious and exquisite cuisine in all of South America. Will this episode inspire you to add Medellin to your travel list, or stay away? Who knows for sure...but at least you can plan on being entertained. Get two free reports and much more at

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