Wildstorm Addiction

Wildstorm Addiction

Wildstorm Addiction Podcast - Episode 40

October 30, 2012

(http://www.wildstormaddiction.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/WA_ep0040-B.jpg)Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed (../feed/podcast/) | iTunes (http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=378198400)Show Notes:
Welcome to another episode of Wildstorm Addiction! Our resident Wildstorm experts Joe David Soliz & Benjamin Murphy review Stormwatch #13, Grifter #13, Team 7 #1, and Ravagers #5, as well as some other Wildstorm appearances in the new DCU 52.00:00:35  - Joe welcomes everyone to episode #40 and gives his spoiler alerts warning. Remember, all written reviews on the website are spoiler free and usually get posted within a day of print release.00:01:00  - Joe gives plenty of Wildstorm related news as it pertains to the current books in the DCU after the news and announcements at the New York Comic Con a few weeks ago.* In January we will see the end of another wave titles and unfortunately, Grifter is on the hit list this month (announced on Joe’s birthday no less!) along with Blue Beetle, Frankenstein, and Legion Lost. Only two replacement titles have been announced so far debuting in February: Justice League of America by Geoff Johns and David Finch and Man of Steel by Scott Snyder and Jim Lee. Still two titles left to announce.
* X-O Manowar writer Robert Venditti takes over Demon Knights with #16 and it fast forwards the title 30 years later. I asked Venditti on Twitter if we'll see any of the Century Babies mentioned in Stormwatch #0. He said not right away but maybe down the line. Stormwatch #16 has Apollo and Midnighter duking it out on the cover?  Lover's quarrel or Harry Tanner's manipulations? The solicit reads "Don't miss the stunning (and permanent) transformation of a Stormwatch member!"
* Ravagers #8 brings new series writer Michael Alan Nelson (Fall of Cthulhu, 28 Days Later) with Ig Guara on art and features Rose Wilson and Warblade. The final issue of Legion Lost which is #16 will feature The Ravagers and Superboy. Team 7 #4 has the team facing Eclipso and reveals the secret origin of Deathstroke (fixing the zero issue?).
* Interesting tidbit overlooked at NYCC, a Fan Q&A from comicsbeat.com has this to say: "Jim Lee has two Wildstorm properties reserved for him: W.I.L.D.Cats and Divine Right. Everyone keeps waiting for W.I.L.D.Cats to relaunch, and it certainly seems like the groundwork was being laid, but it seems unlikely that will happen until his run on the new Superman title with Scott Snyder is over." (Is this spelling of Wildcats legit?)00:08:09 - Ben starts it off with the review of Stormwatch #13. Released on 10/03, written by Peter Milligan with art by Will Conrad and cover by Guillem March.00:24:59 - Joe reviews Grifter #13. Released on 10/10, written by Rob Liefeld and Frank Tieri, with art by Marat Mychaels and cover by Scott Clark and Andrew Dalhouse (notice the cover change from the solicit? I have a feeling we'll be getting more of these until the title ends).00:39:55 - Ben reviews Ravagers #5. Released on 10/10, written by Howard Mackie with art and cover by Ian Churchill.00:54:47 - Joe gives his review of Team 7 #1. Released on 10/10, written by Justin Jordan with art by Jesus Merino and cover by Doug Mahnke.01:05:03 - Ben gives an update on other Wildstorm related sighting and tie-ins from the other DCU 52 issue #13's that have released this month.* 10/10 Deathstroke #13 - Zealot cameo, solicit promised info about Khera but changed with Liefeld’s departure. Voodoo writer Josh Williamson scripted this issue and says he’s doing #14 as well but I asked him on Twitter about Khera change and he said Liefeld gave it to him with Khera plot already gone. Instead we got a booty call.
* 10/10 Superboy #13 - Fairchild appearance as Superboy hooks up with the Ravagers to tie in with Ravagers #501:06:15 - Ben continues by giving a run-down on the upcoming books and character appearances  in the new DCU relaunch. Remember,