WIFA Waves

WIFA Waves

WIFA Waves Episode 31 | Morgan Hills-Adetoye

July 09, 2021

On episode 31 of WIFA Waves, Lindsey and Kristen welcome back Morgan from maternity leave. As a WIFA OG, Morgan shares her unique WIFA journey and what becoming a mother has taught her over the last few months.

Morgan has a bachelor's degree in Human Development. She has always been intrigued by human interaction and the science behind it. She currently is the Director of Operations and Marketing at The Women in Fitness Association, the only nonprofit supporting women in the fitness industry. Morgan is an exceptional communicator and a team player. She is forward thinking and has the ability to manage multiple moving parts without losing sight of the ultimate goal. She is personable and inclusive and quick to create solutions to get the job done. Morgan loves to connect with change makers and those that are keeping the conversation progressive.

Don't miss this special episode with one of them women who helped launch WIFA!

Get in touch with Morgan
Instagram: @MoAdetoye