The Spiral Dance with Hawthorne

The Spiral Dance with Hawthorne

Due Consideration for March

March 04, 2024

This, lets give a big welcome to the month of March! It seems to be the month everybody loves to hate! Everybody wants Spring to finally come, but there is still so many more weeks to wait! So, let's give March some due consideration. We'll see if I can maybe help you get a different perspective on this time of the year. 


We'll be talking about the folklore of the March Hare. Plus, I have an Irish Story of Magick which I'll be reading called "The Boy and the Hare".

And, of course we would be remiss for not mentioning March 17th - which we will do! We'll talk about St. Patrick and the PAGAN "snakes".

Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!