Who's On

Who's On

#32 – Last Christmas

January 08, 2015

Are we awake or dreaming? Is there really a difference? Why does that roofer look like Santa Clause? Join us to see if we can find the answers in this year's Doctor Who Christmas special, "Last Christmas"!

We ran into some scheduling (and weather) difficulties for getting this episode recorded in our usual manner so we decided to try something new! We used some open source software solutions (more than we usually do for the production of the show) to run a Skype-like three-way video call. Skype didn't allow Rob to join a video conference call from his GNU/Linux machine so we had to use Rob's XMPP server and accounts for the Who's On guys to log into Jitsi and create a three-way pier-to-pier video conference call. The call quality was quite competitive to Skype and it was completely painless across Windows and Ubuntu MATE. If you're interested in checking out the software used for this solution you can read about XMPP at www.XMPP.org and you can find Jitsi at www.Jitsi.org.