Wholly Orders

Wholly Orders

Contemplative Perseverance in the Face of Suffering (Good Disagreement, Part 2)

November 25, 2022

In the face of even unbearable stupidity and evil, the contemplative path retains an essential relationship to truth before any accidental or derivative considerations.

Civilization ultimately rests not upon the transient, but rather upon the permanent things.

For this very reason, the role of the contemplative, unlike that of the ideologue, is essential to civilization.


Image Credit:

Dante und Vergil begegnen dem Grafen Ugolino in einem vereisten Sumpf, als dieser sich an Erzbischof Ruggiero von Pisa rächt: ‘So schlug der Obere ein da seinen Zahn, wo das Gehirn sich anfügt an den Nacken’ (Inf. 32/33,p.145) by Luigi Sabatelli (Künstler_in) – Albertina, Austria – Public Domain.
