Inside the Jungle | Network | Cincinnati | Nick Seuberling | UNOFFICIAL Bengals Podcast

Inside the Jungle | Network | Cincinnati | Nick Seuberling | UNOFFICIAL Bengals Podcast

WNR: Swaggy

June 11, 2015

Hey hey another Wednesday night and the guys are back in action talking Bengals! Gotta love Wednesday's! It's the middle of June and with OTA's coming to a close, Training Camp will be just around the corner! Not only that, our 200th Episode is in two weeks! Should we do something fun? Got any ideas? Please feel free to share them. This is after all YOUR show! Speaking of which, let's get on with it!

In this week's show:
We start the show off by discussing a recent ESPN article claiming that the Bengals roster has gotten worse this offseason. Last year at this time the team's roster had a ranking of 7th. This year, 9th. Not THAT much of a dropoff. The issue at hand is the listed starters in the article. Burfict is in doubt to start the year and Mohamed Sanu, though a fine trick play QB, is NOT a starter at WR. Wonder how much that played into the ranking. You'd think folks would research these things.....

Jeremy Hill and Gio Bernard and the rest of the stable of RB's on this Bengals roster are currently ranked the AFC. Yep, it's the offseason. Can't you tell?

From all accounts we've seen/heard during OTA's, 2nd year CB Darqueze Dennard is making big strides and is improving. Writing on the wall for Leon Hall?

Plus, Andrew Whitworth says the Bengals need some "swagger". Agree? Disagree? How do you EVEN get swagger?

If you have questions about subscribing to the podcast or need assistance downloading the show, please email me at, I'll be more than happy to help. As always we want YOUR feed back so please get in touch!

Don't forget to join us every Wednesday night for another edition of the Wednesday Night Roundtable, live at 8 PM ET at
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