Ask Dr. White Cosby!

Ask Dr. White Cosby!

Episode 21 - Cerebro-Coz

August 30, 2013


Quick! What happens to America’s favorite personality and the most helpful mind this side of Dear Abby’s frozen head in a jar when his body is stricken with incurable disease?  And then his surgeons leave twelve ravenous honey badgers in his chest cavity?  And then a shipping tanker falls on the whole thing?  Well, he dies, is what.  Yes, last week, shortly after completing another award-winning* episode of Ask Dr. White Cosby, the doctor himself died a thousand deaths** and let loose the surly bonds of earth.  Then, per his instructions, his brain and vital organs were placed inside a hideous mechanical shell so that the world could spin on, content that it’s manifold problems would have a savior.

These two lucky “olds” will soon die and be reborn. The privileged elite become monsters, thanks to science!

Yes, Cerebr0-Coz “lives,” and his nuclear-powered servos and cerebral net are hell-bent on fixing your problems.  This week, Cerebro-Coz takes the following middling human affairs into his massive steel pincers:

  • Should we giving a fat $%!@ about the Royal Baby?
  • What can I do about my husband’s tendency to pinch bottoms?
  • How do I confront my swinger father-in-law?
  • How can I avoid being “catfished?”
  • And, as a being of pure logic and cold metal has no need of entertainment, sit in stilled awe during the LAST World Famous White Cosby Movie Review of One Direction: This is Us: The Concert Film of the Summer!

It’s all here!  Robots! Intrigue! Podcast!  Subscribe, submit a question to the Answertron 5000, and download the show either right here or in iTunes!