Ask Dr. White Cosby!

Ask Dr. White Cosby!

Episode 18 - Venti Counsel Macchiato

August 10, 2013


Live from high atop his mountainous bean empire in the wilds of Peru comes the latest bracing cup’o'joe from White Cosby.  The finest, purest waters are brought to a boil, the Chanchamayo have been crushed to a fine dust, and your mug is now brimming with what is, essentially, hot dirty bean water.  …of advice.  The crema floating atop your perfectly steamed espresso forms into a smiling face, and that face whispers the answers to all of your questions.  Take a sip of this episode.  Feel the pep as grams and grams of caffeine course their way through your blood stream – your eyes pop with knowledge, your veins contract with understanding, you die at a relatively younger age than you would have otherwise.  ALL BECAUSE OF THIS SHOW AND YOU OBSESSION WITH ALL THINGS COFFEE.

Insomnia is just one of the many side effects from this week’s episode. Plenty of time to check the millions of hours of porn the internet has waiting for you!

This week, White Cosby cracks open the fruit of the coffee tree, puts his indigenous laborers to work, and grinds up a special blonde roast just for you.  Inside your mug this week you’ll find answers to:

  • How did you get White Cosby off the ground, and what advice do you have for a small business trying to do the same?
  • Should I feel insulted or insecure if my loyal husband frequently “checks” internet porn?
  • Amazing face with bad body, or amazing body with bad face?
  • Is it fair for my husband to force me to learn a stick shift?

And don’t forget this week’s triple shot – not one, not two, but 3 movies in this week’s World Famous White Cosby Movie Review: Elysium, Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters, and Disney’s Planes!