Ask Dr. White Cosby!

Ask Dr. White Cosby!

Episode 13 - Orthodox Coz

July 06, 2013

That’s right – this episode is by-the-books.  No breaking the rules here.  Get in, do the job, get out clean.  Set up the ridiculous premise for the week, answer some questions, sell some merch, watch the money roll in.   White Cosby recorded his perfectly wise and expertly thought answers to today’s tough questions through a hole in a sheet while refusing to operate any machinery and only eating kosher food products.  White Cosby handed out advice from upon the mountaintop while keeping all of his meat and his milk separate (so thankful he’s got four stomachs!)  White Cosby did this episode while… I don’t know, following a bunch of crazy old rules from a dusty tome written in some phlegm language.

Our powers combined, we are WHITE COSBY… ‘s extremely debilitating guilt.

But you don’t have to follow any old dogmatic rules to enjoy this week’s episode.  All you need is a mind willing to accept White Cosby’s brand of flawless knowledge and sage advice.  If you find yourself asking,

  • Which Media Device should I buy in order to best prepare for the coming robot apocalypse?

  • Is two days’ worth of facial hair the most unattractive thing a man can put on his face?
  • Will my Catholic mate care how many weird Jewish rules I force on our children?
  • or, Should I just up and rage-quit my horrible, soul-crushing job?

…then this is the show for you.  If you DON’T find yourself asking those questions, submit your own!  Leave a comment on this episode or visit White Cosby’s Facebook Page to drop him a line. He’ll toss you a life preserver made of wisdom (as long as it’s not the Sabbath.  If it is – you’re fucked.)  And don’t forget to stick around for White Cosby’s 17-hour-long review of The Lone Ranger!

Download the show in iTunes and give it the best rating you’ve got!