Ask Dr. White Cosby!

Ask Dr. White Cosby!

Episode 10 - All Animal Cruelty

June 15, 2013

Ok, listen.  White Cosby isn’t advocating for animal cruelty ALL of the time, despite this week’s episode’s title.  Cruelty in all of its forms is wrong, no matter the victim.  Even when trapped in a pillory by vicious Mole Men in the near-center of the Earth, Dr. White Cosby is a paragon of virtue, a peacekeeper for the planet.  Unless it’s entirely necessary, you should NEVER be cruel to animals.

Peace and Love to all of God’s disgusting creatures.

…Unless you need to, say, tell your girlfriend you love her.  Or whip up some specialty, little-known cocktails.  Or punish a loved one for a horrible gift.  Then, says White Cosby, be as cruel as you can be.  It’s your civic duty.

These are just some of the issues discussed in this week’s superb return to form.  The ethicist tackles issues like, “How do I say those three little words to my significant other,” “What are some new cocktails I can try,” “If I give a scratch ticket as a gift, am I entitled to some of the prize money if it’s a winner,” and “what do I tell my kids when one of their uncles decides to become an aunt?” (That one is a DOOZY).  And thanks to his restful haitus in Mole Man prison, White Cosby is able to dump a whole load of World Famous White Cosby Movie Reviews on you this week!  Sit your ass down on the Advice Couch in the Advice Zone and get ready for some advice, because it’s Advice O’Clock.

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