The Whiskey Rebellion – Loaded Dice Network

The Whiskey Rebellion – Loaded Dice Network

The Whiskey Rebellion Episode III: There’s No Tavern…But There Are a Couple Cantinas…

December 10, 2014

Who will you meet at the Cantina?

We begin our adventure in earnest!  We meet everyone’s new characters, and start in with some skullduggery on the planet Eriadu, which leads to the most traditional of all RPG launchpoints: The Tavern.  There’s just one problem…there are no Taverns on Eriadu…only the Cantina.  Our characters all come for different reasons, but will they leave together?  Will they leave the cantina at all, or will they become permanent residents?  Grab a Blue Russian, turn up your favorite atmospheric nose flute tunes, and enjoy the beginning of the adventure on The Whiskey Rebellion!

Cast of Characters:

The GM – Evan LoadedDice

Cal Maverick, Human Smuggler Pilot, Captain of the Spruce Bantha- Kevin LoadedDice

Dr. Wu, Ryn Colonist Politico and a legend in his own mind-  Ted

Gha Zissk, Trandoshan Bounty Hunter Assassin, Hater of Wookies – Andrew

Fuhrry Behr, Wookiee Hired Gun Mercenary Soldier, All Around Nice Guy- Dubs LoadedDice

Billy Bob Wamprat, Human Explorer Survivalist, Swamp Critter of Dagobah- Gretchen (Mrs. LoadedDice).

R2-MO, Droid Technician Slicer, Very Sad Robot – Josh from The Last Bender


Show Notes:


The Ryn

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