What you DON'T want to HEAR

What you DON'T want to HEAR

Ep. 26 Where do values come from with guest: Israel Matos (Puerto Rican Lives Matter) 8-23-2019

August 27, 2019

Hour 1:

Carlos and his friend Israel get together to talk about where we are in modern society. Is the entertainment industry to blame for people who commit acts of violence? Specifically, are video games, movies or music to blame? They both discuss mental illness and how real that threat is opposed to being blamed for one person's acts.
A lot of these issues start at home. A moral compass is needed and values should always be taught at home, not by institutions. Words are twisted often to suit whoever is using them, but you have to see through this.
Everyone has the ability to look up information nowadays yet sometimes people remain ignorant. Why is this? Is there a standard we can all agree on?

Hour 2:

Many times Antifa has stated it is trying to stand against fascism, yet the way they conduct themselves with the help of lawmakers is fascist. The media proves its biases everyday. Portland Oregon has been suffering lately because of this.
Carlos tells what it takes to own a gun in New York City. Basically, you'll never own one. When is salt coming back to the table.....literally?
New Orleans was a big deal where guns were illegally seized. People need to understand this can happen. Ice T made a documentary on this.
Trade wars with China are hurting their economy while Hong Kong cries for help.
Is capitalism good and is the market truly a "free market" as its promised.
Promoting understanding helps like the time when Israel talked to a Muslim person to gain understanding. On the other hand Carlos tells his story of going to a Neo Nazi's house in New York.
Israel learns about the terrible game called "ethnic cleansing" made by white supremacist. Puerto Rican lives Matter

Hour 3:

Having a Constitution is why this country is so great. Keeping our freedom is important whether your values are religious based or not. Understanding is key.
Skin color doesn't make a person evil, actions do.